Wilderness Zoom Meetings

It seems like some people can’t get enough of Zoom meetings!   

Okay, well I might be one of them as I seem to be on Zoom almost every day.  But even so, I don’t want to hang on the computer when I'm camping in the wilderness!

Two weeks after our first foray to Greenbrier State Park, we Geezers were eager to get back into the woods.  We reviewed the park options in western Maryland, hoping to find somewhere conveniently near my sister and BIL for another socially distanced, in-person visit.  We reserved a campsite for three nights at Rocky Gap State Park in Flintstone. 

Since we planned 4 days there, I carefully calculated how much food, water, and ice we would need.  I made a detailed spreadsheet for each meal and included scheduled snack breaks.  I’m glad to say my calculations were wrong.  More on that later.

In the interim between camping trips we had taken advantage of Independence Day sales and ordered an inflatable mattress online.  In my earlier camping years, I had pooh-poohed the need for any padding between my sleeping roll and the Good Solid Earth.  However, I changed my mind after Greenbrier.

Geezer John had brought some couch cushions with us on that trip.  He slid them under his half of our zipped-together-sleeping-bag bed.  Every time I tried to snuggle against his back, I encountered a 3 inch difference in our bed heights. [Note photo.]  Counter to my desired intent, my face smooshed up against his lower armpit, instead of fitting in the curve of his neck. When I tried to climb up to his level, I invariably dropped with a thud as I turned in my sleep. 

In the morning, my husband, who had slept all night in cushioned splendor, seemed more rested than I.  So as soon as we returned to the civilized world of internet access, I ordered the mattress.  Like magic, it arrived within a week.  It was a marvelous piece of engineering with a built-in pump, and the right size for two Generously Sized Geezers.  

On our way to Rocky Gap, we stopped at Gambrill State Park in Frederick for a quick reconnoiter.  Its campground has been kept as it was originally constructed for the Civilian Conservation Corps during the Depression.  We spent most of our visit in the High Knob Area.  The CCC-built Tea Room is a beautiful stone hall, perched on the mountain side and overlooking the valley below.

From there we meandered our way to Rocky Gap, adding at least 3 hours to the estimated 2 hour drive! As “experienced campers” we easily set up our tent, inflated the new mattress, and walked a few steps to the beach for an afternoon swim in the lake. 


We explored the park and learned that in addition to 2 beaches, there is a 4-star resort hotel, a golf course, and a casino!  We, however, just wanted to get back to rest & relax at our campsite in the woods.  We made savory mushroom turnovers for dinner, played backgammon, and then curled up on the softer than a cloud mattress!  

Everything seemed perfect!

Until some dogs in the campground began to bark.  And then a van full of children took the campsite next to us.  Next, the inflated mattress began to lose air.  

The mattress was nearly flat by the morning.  Ah yes, I remembered:  As temperatures cool, air condenses.  We could pump in more air, but it would still deflate. 

Next minor annoyance:  my cellphone was dead, and I needed to tell my sister where to find our campsite.  There was an electric outlet in the bath house.  Eureka! I charged the phone while I showered. Then, while toweling off, I saw that the weather app suddenly updated, and the news feed popped up to tell me today's current events!  

OMG, I realized, the hotel and casino were so close that there was internet access in the campground!

I did what anyone would do.  I checked my emails.

Big mistake.  

My colleagues had called a Zoom meeting.  Now I had no excuse but to attend.  I turned on my video, and they immediately knew I was “on vacation” and not isolating unhappily inside my house.  

It’s one thing to have children and cats wander into your room during a Zoom meeting.  But it might be career suicide to let your employers see you relaxing lakeside, especially when they’re still stuck at home!

The highlight of the Rocky Gap trip was when my sister and her husband visited.  We sat at a distance from each other to eat lunch and discuss family news.  They brought a couple surprises:  1) Fancy pillows and a  comforter for glamping; and 2) A domino set. 

Before the pandemic, my family would play long, very competitive dominos games.  But we felt it wasn’t safe to play board games, or card games, or any games where we touched the same tiles and pieces. Instead we played contact-less games, like “I spy with my little eye” and Nature Bingo.  Yeah, they were as much fun as they sound.  

Now, with a dominos set in front of us, we were moving into a new phase of Risky Activities!  However, my sister also brought a box of plastic gloves.  We all put on plastic gloves and began a tournament.

It was late when we finished the game, and we peeled the plastic off our sweaty hands.  Our skin was wet and wrinkly as if we’d just taken a bath for the last 6 hours! 

We were all enjoying the day so much that we extended the visit through dinner.  Oops!  There went my detailed meal plan! (Just as well - nobody really wanted to eat dehydrated backpacker food anyway!)  We made a big batch of comfort food spaghetti and sauce on the propane stove, and served it with a green salad and fresh fruit.  

This was our 2nd trip into the Wild, and we were learning so much!

1. Don't stay too close to the beach or you will be surrounded by families with lots of kids.

2. Don't stay in the campgrounds that allow pets.

3. Don't expect a fully inflated mattress at 5 in the morning.  (Or pack couch cushions.)

4. Bring a cellphone charger.

5. Don't be tempted to check your emails.

6. Allow yourself to splurge a little.  Deviate from the plan.  Sleep on a soft bed, and eat comfort food!

7. Good company – even at a social distance – is a treasure.

 Next week:  Biblical Floods and Evil Squirrels



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